Tuesday, October 19, 2010

full disclosure

If you're like me, you might struggle with the assumption that while you're sitting in your house doing nothing of remote interest to anyone, including yourself, other people are living exciting lives - doing something educational AND fun with their grateful, well-rested child(ren), and have already made dinner and the clothes their children are going to wear tomorrow.

While I'm confident you have never thought such about me {and I hope you never do} and in an effort toward full disclosure, here's my current status.

It's 3:00pm and I just got out of the shower. I am wearing no make-up, jeans that I can take off without unbuttoning, a sports bra under an XL Pike Nursery t-shirt, my husband's 1997 Cross Country sweatshirt, and slippers. My hair is wet and curly. I will do nothing to remedy this and will enjoy spending the rest of the day dressed like a total slob. Plus, I'm planning on going to the grocery store this afternoon and I might even wear my slippers.

Ahhh, freedom.


  1. I too am sitting here in my living room, doing nothing really- with slippers on, my sweatpants that I've worn for the past 2 days straight(gasp) and a long sleeve t-shirt. I have not showered today- and in fact, I just might not period. But Noah has been played with and still smiles at me the same, showered or not ;)

  2. Looking Good!

    I look like this just about every day. I was just telling some girls how some days I look so gross that I throw on exercise clothes to run to the store so someone will think I just finished a really hard workout. Aint no shame : )

  3. Thank you for your transparency. And in the interest of FULL disclosure...Go ahead and assume that no child in the Harwell home will ever wear clothes made by their mother. And while I'm confessing, I've been known to occasionally turn the tv on for Molly while Sam is napping so that I can cat-nap on the couch. There. I said it.
