Monday, November 1, 2010

this week : running, disappointment, and a chicken

We have had a fun week! One fun thing is this sweet table we got handed down from my parents. My mother sat at this table as a child, my brother and I did puppet shows with it as the stage and now Henry does puzzles on it. Isn't it fun to have hand-me-downs that are actually awesome? We're lucky like that - family with great taste!

On Thursday, Wesleyan hosted the Region Meet for this weekend's State Cross Country meet. Henry and I went to cheer on the Wolves and Coach Daddy. The boys came in first in the region and the girls second. Go Wolves!

On Saturday the Tabbs and Doziers came over to watch a little football. So fun to be with friends! Not so fun to have 4 turnovers.

This is how Annie felt about the Dawgs' heartbreaking loss. {P.S. Remember my good cook friend, Emilie? She hand-stitched the onesie Annie is wearing. Can you say over-achiever?}

And Sunday brought us the sweetest looking chicken. Happy Halloween!

Love this face. "I'm sorry, what am I supposed to be doing?"

"Car." - Henry

Mimi, Poppy, and Nana

Because everyone loves an out-take

{Chicken} dancing at the neighborhood party.

The Tabbs came over after our neighborhood party to trick-or-treat. Love these little buddies!


  1. Why aren't the chickens around here that precious?

  2. ADORABLE pictures! Love me some Big Henry!

  3. Oh my gosh that is one adorable chicken!!!

  4. Wow! 2 shoutouts! I am an over achiever and moved our computer from lee's new room (that he isn't in yet) which shut down our Internet! So I have been missing your blog. Henry is a cute little chicken and all the time too. Let's hang out!

  5. Cute! We should have a costume party next time they play
