Monday, November 15, 2010

photo shoot

Yesterday we had a let's-try-to-get-our-Christmas-card-photo shoot with my friend, Lauren, her husband and two sweet girls. Our favorite photographer just had a baby so we had to take matters into our own hands. We are both OK with the camera so I took her family's photo and she took mine. On what was supposed to be a beautiful day, it was suddenly very dark and then rainy. For all the other wannabe professionals, it was an 800 or more ISO kind of day. Lauren got some shots of us that I think will make for a great Christmas card. I, on the other hand, will need to reshoot her family's. Mostly to do with the fact that seconds before we started shooting, her oldest experienced the start of a 12-hour stomach bug and threw up in the grass. Nothing's worse for a photo that a queasy looking 2.5 year old.

Well, maybe a 15-month-old who just wants to run around instead of sitting still for a photo.

Not for the Christmas card, but here's a cute one Lauren snapped....

We had a busy weekend with cousins' birthday party {photos to come} and THOROUGHLY enjoying Chris' first weekend without Cross Country practice or a meet. I mean, we had a 2 day weekend, people. It was awesome.

Today it is rainy and a perfect day to stay in, watch Sesame Street, and stay in PJs. Hope you can do the same....

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