Friday, September 17, 2010

for the love

Chris is allergic to cats, but for almost all of our marriage we have had at least one. It was Chris' idea to get our first cat, Oscar, when we lived in Athens. I love cats so was totally on board. At one point we had 3 - Oscar and 2 kittens we rescued from a nearby apartment complex. We lost Oscar and one of the kittens, Simon, to coyotes {we think} in the neighborhood. The other kitten remains....Buster. Buster is not a kitten now and is actually a large jungle-like cat. He is larger than a lot of dogs for some reason.

Most evenings, despite his allergy, Chris ends up cuddling with Buster, at some point rubbing his eyes, and getting very puffy and watery. He's not going to stop petting Buster, so how can we prevent him from touching his eyes? I told him he had two options - wear one of those cones that dogs wear around their heads OR ski goggles. He opted for the ski goggles.

So, last night we flipped between Groundhog Day and Thursday night football....

and Chris was well protected.

I couldn't resist. Everybody looks cool in ski goggles!

Since I had the camera out, I practiced a little improv. Chris would shout out an emotion and I would do my best....



Gas-pains: {I wasn't able to come up with a face before the camera went off, only laughs}



I can't believe you're still reading this post. Thanks for humoring me and our ridiculous photo shoot. T.G.I.F. and Go Dawgs!


  1. Okay, so you just blew quickly by the fact that sweet little Oscar was killed by a coyote. I had to take a few minutes and mourn. I used to love having Oscar around when we watched 90210 at 4:00 p.m. every day :)

  2. I would like to know where those earrings are from please!

  3. Lindsey - great blog! You definitely have the gift of writing combined with humor. Keep up the good work.

  4. Pensive Lindsey is my favorite.

    Molly made that same face today - but with her finger on her chin saying, "Let me think for a minute, Mama."

    Love from the Harwells...

  5. Y'all are cracking me up right now!!! That is hysterical! Wish I saw more of you neighbor...any more news on the job front?
